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Nursery Admissions

Children thrive and flourish during their time in our school Nursery. Our Early Years staff are experts at helping children to settle quickly and learn the routines of Nursery.


Our curriculum in Early Years is built upon a 'Book of the Week' and children develop their language and love of reading in Nursery.  Each day, children spend time indoors and outdoors learning through carefully planned and purposeful play. They also access a Maths and phonics session each day.


Children who attend our Nursery are carefully prepared for the transition to Reception. Throughout the year, there are opportunities for Nursery children to get to know the Reception staff and the Reception environment. The Maths and phonics that children access in Nursery follows through seamlessly into Reception. For instance, our Read Write Inc phonics scheme that begins in Nursery continues into Reception and beyond.


Nursery have a their own purpose build building at the back of our site which leads onto our field and woods. Nursery staff love taking the children outside and children benefit from a weekly forest school session.


We can accommodate 15 and 30 hour places in Nursery. There is some flexibility with patterns of attendance at the discretion of the Head Teacher and Nursery Teacher. 


Applications to Nursery are via the school office. Applications can be made at any stage once a child has a birth certificate.

Those children who will be 3 before August 31st 2025 can apply to join St Michael's Nursery in our September 2025 intake. Applications for this intake close on 31st March 2025 and applications after this date will be considered as a late application.


