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Out of School Club

01922 686838



 All the children will be together in the OOSC building for the breakfast sessions but will be split into groups for afterschool club. Key stage 1 will be in the OOSC building and key stage 2 will be in school in a classroom.


·Breakfast club

We have 2 start times for breakfast club.

7.30am start and 8.00am start. Our 7.30 am start is by prior arrangement only.

All the children should be dropped off at the OOSC building for these sessions. 

At the end of the breakfast session EY and KS1 are taken to their classrooms for their specific school start times. KS2 children will walk to their classrooms.

Please note that there will be no access to parents into school or the OOSC buildings.



 After school:

All EY and KS1 children will be collected from their classrooms at the end of the school day and they will have their afterschool session in the OOSC building.

KS2 children will walk themselves and be met by a member of staff in school and they will have their session in a classroom over in school.

All the children will need to be collected from the OOSC building only. Parents/carers will have to use our side entrance gate to enter school as the gate on the playground will be locked.





If parents/carers need to get in touch with OOSC they can either email us or use our weduc app which has proven to be very successful for communication purposes.

Parents are asked to sign a parental contract upon starting OOSC and also contact detail sheets for emergencies.


We look forward to meeting new parents and children to our club.


From Vanessa, Michelle and all the OOSC team.










