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Year 6

Spring 1

This term, the children are revising numbers to 60 and then learning numbers from 60 -100. They will be able to repeat sounds and attach to the written word. In year 6, the children will be able to use the vocabulary in context to build a sequence of conversation using phrases and prices.



Learning outcomes showing progression

  • To apply knowledge of  phrases and verbs in new contexts to build new sentences
  • To understand the sequence and pattern of language in numbers beyond 60
  • To apply the grammatical rules of different verb forms   je cherche    and   ça fait
  • To write accurately linking sentences using the correct grammar and punctuation
  • To use different verb forms in a sequence of conversation.
  • To develop cultural understanding



Spring 2.

The topic for this half term is leisure time. The children are learning new phrases using, je joue,  je fais,  je regarde. They will then be able to build a sequence of conversation using different verb forms and form a paragraph.



Learning outcomes showing progression

  • To apply knowledge of  phrases and verbs in new contexts to build new sentences
  • To understand the main points in a written paragraph
  • To apply the grammatical rules of different verb forms   je joue, je fais    and   je regarde
  • To write accurately linking sentences using the correct grammar and punctuation
  • To use the correct article and preposition with each verb form.
  • To develop cultural understanding

By the end of year 6 children will be able to sequence longer phrases to form a short paragraph. Describe in more detail, using a range of grammatical structures and punctuation. Include familiar and new language. Ask questions and give opinions. Speak with good pronunciation and intonation.

Half term

Learning focus

Expected outcomes

speaking and writing

Autumn 1

Who am I?

Linking several phrases = a short presentation/paragraph

Autumn 2

Where I live

Building more complex phrases using different verbs

Spring 1

Numbers 60-100            shopping

Complex number patterns + Euros

Conversation sequence/script

Spring 2

Likes / dislikes               leisure time

Extended language – building a short paragraph

Giving preferences and opinions

Summer 1


Extended language – building a short paragraph

Giving preferences and opinions. Making comparisons.

Summer 2

Deeper Learning

Revisit, perform and apply language learnt in different contexts

Cross themes

Use of language in different contexts

Cultural development – use of language outside lessons- knowledge of a story, perform songs, play games.

