At St. Michael's, computers and other forms of technology are used daily throughout the school. Children are taught computing skills as a discrete subject and use technology as a means of supporting other areas of the curriculum.
The Purpose of Computing.
Computing now addresses how computers and computer systems work, and how they are designed and programmed, preparing our children for the technologically rich world we live in.
Children will be equipped with high level skills in using technology along with knowledge of how computers, software, the internet, the web and search engines work. They will also develop a critical understanding of the impact of these technologies on their lives and on society.
Teach Computing Curriculum.
This year, we will continue using the 'Teach Computing' curriculum across years 1-6 to make the most of our fabulous new Computer Suite.
'Our vision is for every child in every school in England to have a world-leading computing education. We continually evaluate the impact that our programmes, services and resources are having on improving the quality of teaching computing in schools, and the learning experience for young people.' - Teach Computing Website
Click on the Year Group tabs below to see what children will learn each half term.
Floorbooks are a way to gather evidence of pupils' learning. Floorbooks will follow children to their next year group so that evidence of progression can be seen.
Computing Lead: Mrs Jones
Link Governor: Megan Smylie