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Year 5

Spring 1

This term, the children will learn body parts. They will be able to apply knowledge of body parts in new contexts and build phrases. They will be writing accurately using sentences and be able to apply grammatical rules on the use of feminine and masculine nouns.


Learning outcomes showing progression


  • To apply knowledge of body parts in new contexts to build phrases
  • To apply grammatical rules on the use of masculine and feminine nouns
  • To write accurately using sentences
  • To develop cultural understanding



Spring 2

The children twill learn names of places in a town and be able to use them appropriately. They will repeat sounds and attach sounds to the written word. The children will be able to write a sequence of phrases and use the vocabulary in context.

Learning outcomes showing progression


  • To apply knowledge of places in town and verbs in new contexts to build phrases
  • To apply grammatical rules on the use of masculine and feminine nouns
  • To write accurately using sentences
  • To ask questions
  • To develop cultural understanding



In Year 5 the children will learn to


Join 2 or 3 phrases using simple conjunctions. Speak with good pronunciation and intonation. Manipulate structures to include familiar and new words, using correct punctuation and grammatical structures.

Half term

Learning focus

Expected outcomes

speaking and writing

Autumn 1


20-60           Dates/ birthdays

Number patterns + structure for dates

Autumn 2


New verb + putting phrases together

Spring 1


New verbs+ prepositions + short sequence

Spring 2

In town

New verbs+ prepositions = structure of language

Summer 1


Linking several phrases = a short presentation

Summer 2

Deeper Learning

Revisit, perform and apply language learnt in different contexts

Cross themes

Use of language in different contexts

Cultural development – use of language outside lessons- knowledge of a story, perform songs, play games.
