Home Page


Welcome to our nursery!

A big warm welcome to St.Michael’s and Nursery


Meet the Team!

Mrs Jones – Nursery Teacher

Miss Wright – Nursery Teaching Assistant

Miss Moore – Nursery Teaching Assistant

Mrs Spencer – Nursery Teaching Assistant

Mrs Dawson – Nursery Teaching Assistant and Family Support Advisor



On this page you can find general information about Nursery.


We use Weduc to communicate with parents/carers and set Home Learning tasks.

If you need to speak to your child's class teacher we can be contacted via phone, Weduc or email:






Welcome to Nursery!


This half term, our topic is:

Creatures of our World.



Nursery Long Term Overview

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2



All About Me



Let’s Celebrate


Where Shall We Go?


Everything Changes


People Who Help Us


Creatures of Our World


The Smallest Fish in School


Elmer and the Wind

Stanley the Farmer


Owl Babies

WOW Said the Owl

Henry Searches for the Perfect Family

Remembrance Day


Bonfire Night



Birthdays – Blue Balloon


Where Shall We Go?

Handa’s Surprise

Handa’s Hen

Off to Market

Maisy’s Chinese New Year

The Great Race

Katie Goes to London

Say Hello to the Snowy Animals

Jack Frost

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Tell Me What it’s Like to be Big.

The Strongest Mum

The Tiny Seed

The Easter Story

Charlie the Firefighter

At the Doctors

At the Dentist

At the Vet

Road Safety

Mr Creep the Crook

Cops and Robbers

Customer Services (Hairdressers/Shop Workers etc)

Dear Zoo

Somebody Swallowed Stanley

What the Ladybird Heard

Monkey Puzzle

Noah’s Ark

Commotion in the Ocean



Nursery Information


These are the main timings for our school day: 


8.30 am 

Nursery Children to arrive at the side gate. Children are collected by Mrs Jones and Nursery staff  


11.30 am





Morning session ends. Children are dismissed from the side gate near the pedestrian entrance on Maple Road


Lunch Club for Extended Provision


12.25 pm

Afternoon Nursery Children are collected by staff from the side gate near the pedestrian entrance on Maple Road


3.25 pm

Afternoon session ends. All children are dismissed from the Nursery Classroom door





If your child is absent, please phone that morning and let us know. If your child has a medical appointment, please bring in the appointment letter for our records.


Please Note:

  • Children are allowed to drink water only from standard school water bottles throughout the school day. Children may bring juice to drink with their lunch. No fizzy drinks, glass bottles or cans are allowed. 
  • Every child is given a carton of milk and piece of fruit every day as a snack.



School Uniform

Please ensure that all of the children’s belongings are clearly NAMED. This includes coats, bags, cardigans, water bottles and any other items that your child may bring to school.


Jewellery and Make-up:

Children are not allowed to wear any jewellery apart from stud earrings. Children are not permitted to wear nail varnish. 



Meals should be ordered on the Weduc App by Sunday evening for the following week. You are also welcome to send in a packed lunch for your child. 





Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know!

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!
