Home Page

Year 5


Autumn Term



Hi All,


Welcome to life in year 5. As you know, there are a lot of exciting things to look forward to this academic year, especially your trip to Borrowdale in the Lake District. This term, we have our class assemblies and Harvest Festival Service.

The curriculum overview has been uploaded so that you can see what we will be learning about. If you have any resources or books at home linked to the topics we will be learning about, please bring them in to share with the rest of the class.


Things to remember:

PE kits are required in school on a Monday (don’t forget your spare socks)

You should have a clear bottle, containing only water, in school everyday. You can bring 20p daily or £1 per week if you would like toast from the kitchen at break time

Reading is a requirement in the juniors and should be completed a minimum of 3 times per week and recorded in your reading record. This will help you work towards your reading certificates, which we love to see celebrated on Weduc.


Spellings will be given on a Thursday and need to be back in school by Tuesday.

English and Maths homework will be given on a Friday and needs to be handed in on a Wednesday morning. Times Table Rock Stars homework also needs to be completed by then.


If your parent's have any questions, they can contact us via Weduc.


The Year 5 Team

