Home Page

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


On this page is some general information about year 2.  We are continuing to use the Weduc app to communicate with parents and send out information.


Your teachers this year are:

Mrs Moore 2M class teacher 

Mrs Hitchon 2H class teacher

Mrs Lee 2M teaching assistant

Mrs Harte 2H  teaching assistant


We will always do out best to keep parents up to date with information via the Weduc app and the website.  If you need to speak to your child's class teacher we can be contacted via phone or Weduc.  We are also available at the end of the day on the playground to speak to if needed.


Some key points to remember: 

  • PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays for 2M and Wednesdays and Thursdays for 2H.  PE kits should contain tracksuit bottoms, a tracksuit top, house colour t-shirt, black shorts, black pumps and trainers.


  • If children are having a school meal, dinner choices need to be made via the Weduc app.


  •  Reading folders (containing reading book, a book for pleasure and reading record) need to be in school every day.  Books can be changed on Fridays.


  • Spelling homework will be sent home on a Friday and needs to be returned the following Wednesday.
  • Maths homework, each week can your child play 5 games on Times Table Rockstars.


Many thanks

Year 2 team


